As i have my camera with me taking many pictures of the beautiful things in Australia i am able to access the previous pictures i have taken on trips out and upload them now i have plenty of free time.
One of these places i went on to adventure was West Midlands Safari Park. A fun, educational, informative day out for the the young and old.
It allows you to get up close and personal with species that otherwise may not be possible.
I just wanted to include these images of a place local to where i am staying called Redcliffe. It is situated near Narangba, A surburb of Brisbane and for the last few years it has been one of my favourite places ever.
I am not really a fan of the beach, i dont really love the whole playing in the sand and splashing in the sea thing. But i adore this place. To me it is a special place. It is tranquille and peaceful and you can easily get lost in it's beauty. I could drive up to here everyday and still not get bored as there is always something new and beautiful to discover.
Whilst i have the time i thought it would be appropriate to upload these images, before i get more and more and have to blog many a time a day. i have included these pieces of art as they are all installations and that is still the direction that i want my work to flow in this year. We found them all at Wolverhampton Art Gallery when myself; Amy and Jaz went on our adventure.
They were all in an exhibition called 'SENSING SCUPTURE' and the idea was that you were to interactive with the art using your senses; whether it be smell, sight touch etc. We took every opportunity to do that and had a great time. The enjoyment that i felt is the way i want people to feel about my installation. To think it is clever and want to investigate it and interact with it. Here are some snaps of our interactions.
This exhibition was wonderful and would be deemed as good art by Jensen (2001) who says that good art and good art teaching is sensory. As children learn best when they are active as it makes the learning memorable. (Jensen, 2001 in Koster 2009)
Reference Koster, J.B (2009) Growing artists 4th edition. teaching the arts to young children. Cengage Learning. Delmar.
I took these pictures by mistake, but when i saw the results they instantly reminded me of movement and particularly Jaz'z work from last year. We went for a drive into the city, Brisbane and went to the highest point in order to see the whole city at night. it was beautiful but so difficult to take a picture of. Changing the settings of my camera gave me different results, none that i will investigate further but it will not hurt to include them in my path. I worked out i cannot have people and light in the same picture at night. haa.
There was plenty of art to be found at the airport, one of the most striking things was a glass installation by Ying Chann, chennai and juan ling, Wu. It is a installation of a lilly field and represents pleasant childhood memories; Lilies dancing in the wind, croaking frogs... 'heaven on earth'.
It is revolutionary and a world first in the way each flower is made from a single bulb of glass and shaped liked that. Not several pieces moulded together, with each flower and its five petals all coming from the same bulb of glass. This combines 3d molding technology to sculpture glass flower petals with other hand carved glass to create a half 3d effect. It is a 'top notch' creation in terms of technology and art.
There was also a lot of children's art at the airport. There was no notion as to why it was there but after jaz commented on the layout of the pieces i realised he was right and the art was similiar to when we designed and produced our own wheel trim designs. The only difference is that children have decorated hats. I am not sure of the name, but they are the hats worn locally in Taiwan. There are nearly nine hundred in total. each one unique and individual.